Note and News – 06/26/21

Why Is Reading the Bible Important?

At first glance this might seem to be a strange question, especially coming from a pastor. I can almost hear the most obvious answer - because it is the Word of God. Of course, that is true, but it also is too obvious and easy an answer, and in fact, really begs the question. It is like responding to the question, why is it important to obey the speed limit? With because it is the law. There is more to the matter than a simple pat answer that doesn’t really require any thought or reflection.

There’s yet another even more practical reason. While it is certainly true the Bible is the Word of God, that alone is not enough reason to motivate someone to read the Bible. Please hear me out. Why in the world would I say such a thing? Because when couched in these terms it often leads to a sense of guilt and frustration. Reading the Bible becomes something we “should” or “ought to” do. While guilt can be a powerful motivator it is only so for a short time. When the sense of guilt passes, typically the motivation wanes. It is then easy to get caught on a yo-yo of guilt and relief, both of which are temporary and feed each other. Reading the Bible often gets lost in the cycle.

One of the consistent messages of the Bible is God wants us to desire or want a relationship with God.  That is the way grace and love work. They, unlike guilt, unleash a desire in our hearts. Instead of coming to God because we should, we seek God because that is the desire of our hearts. This is not only a much stronger source of motivation, it in fact, can become compelling and irresistible from within our own hearts.

With the above in mind, here are some reasons why reading the Bible is important:

1.      It gives us tremendous wisdom and insight into human nature and why we often do the things we do.

2.      It can reveal to us the keys to living a fulfilling, significant and satisfying life.

3.      It offers comfort and hope that far exceed our capacity to generate.

4.      Its wisdom is a refreshing alternative to the “conventional wisdom” of our culture.

5.      The values we encounter when reading the Bible are eternal and authentic and reflect the deepest longings of our hearts and spirits.

6.      The Holy Spirit has a way of making passages we may have read over and over come alive in new and life-giving ways.

7.      We can be encountered by God as we read, ponder or study a word, verse, story, passage, book or theme of the Bible.

Over the past 45 plus years I have fallen deeply in love with reading, studying and listening to the Bible and the Lord who meets me in the process. I am a different person because of it. Make no mistake I have plenty of rough edges left and God is far from finished with me. But my journey with the Bible is a source of wonder filled joy. My prayer is that it may it be so for you as well.

Grace and Peace, John