Notes and News – 01/02/21

The Incarnation and 2021!

I cannot remember a time when so many people we're anxious for one year to be over and a new year to begin. There are many things to look forward to in 2021. As we begin this new year we are drawing to a close our sermon series on The Incarnation. Our final scripture lesson in this sermon series will be the beautiful words from the prologue to the gospel of John found in the 10th through 14th versus of that first chapter. I will be focusing on those wonderful descriptive words of who Jesus Christ is as full of grace and truth.

More specifically I will be asking 3 questions: First, what do we mean when we use the words grace and truth. Second, how do we access and experience grace and truth. Third, what impact might grace and truth have on our everyday lives.

As part of the sermon, I will be including the Wesley Covenant Renewal prayer that we have prayed on the first Sunday of the new year for the past several years. It is a simple but powerful prayer for getting our priorities straight on a daily basis. Here are the words:

THE COVENANT RENEWAL PRAYER                                                  

I give myself completely to you God.

Assign me to my place in your creation.

Let me suffer for you.

Give me the work you would have me do.

Give me many tasks or have me step aside while you call others.

Put me forward or humble me.

Give me riches or let me live in poverty.

I freely give all that I am and all that I have to you.

And now holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours.

So be it.

May this covenant made on earth continue for all eternity!  Amen.

You may wish to join me in making this prayer a part of each day in 2021 as it unfolds before us.

Grace and Peace, John