Notes and News – 03/05/22

Vital Congregations Initiative

As I learned more about the Vital Congregations Initiative, I became more and more enthused and convinced this would be of great benefit for our church. One of the things that got my attention is this is not another program for a church to embrace.  This is not a program at all. It is an opportunity for a congregation to take stock of where it is and seek to discover the future it believes God might be calling it to live into. With the upcoming transition for our church as my retirement approaches it seemed like a good fit for us. I shared how I saw this benefitting our church with our Session, and they agreed.

We begin this journey with a Lenten sermon series I have entitled, Signs of a Vital, Loving and Life-giving Congregation. Each Sunday I will be preaching on one of the 7 “marks” or characteristics of a Vital Congregation. We will follow the worship service with a congregational meal and a chance to talk at tables about what each Sunday’s topic and what it could mean for our church. I think you will find this an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.  Here are the topics for this Lenten Sermon series:

March 6, 2022      Discipleship: Growing in the Soil of Grace            Acts 2:42-47

March 13, 2022    Evangelism: Its Not What You Think                  John 4:1-26

March 20, 2022    Outreach: Finding Jesus in the Forgotten             Matthew 25:31-46

March 27, 2022    Servanthood: Love in Action                                John 13:1-20

April 3, 2022         Worship: The Transforming Power of the Spirit    Romans 12:1-2

April 10, 2022      Caring: Bearing the Burdens of Love                    Galatian 6:1-10

April 17, 2022      Easter: The Rest of the Story                                  Luke 24:13-35  


Grace and Peace, John