What Does a Vital Congregation Look Like?
Throughout this Lenten Season I am preaching on 7 marks or characteristics of vital congregations. Each week we will look at a different mark or characteristic. The first Sunday of Lent we looked at discipleship – the intentional, life-long process of becoming who God intends us to be. Another way to say this is to become more and more like Jesus Christ.
Last Sunday we looked at what authentic evangelism is and is not. It is NOT a program or campaign to grow the church by trying to convince someone what a great church we have. It is NOT trying to get someone to believe what we believe or scare someone into a relationship with God. There are plenty of other common misconceptions of evangelism that are anything but authentic.
Authentic evangelism is meeting people where they are, listening to them and when the opportunity presents itself (if we truly are committed to listening, it will happen).
My favorite “definition” of authentic evangelism is: one hungry person telling another hungry person where there is a banquet where all the food is free, and everyone is always welcome to eat and enjoy the meal anytime.
Tomorrow we will be examining how and where we find Jesus. The title of tomorrow’s sermon is – Outreach: Finding Jesus in the Forgotten.
I am also looking forward to the third of our fellowship meals. In addition to a great meal and time of fellowship there will be an opportunity to discuss some of the ideas in the sermon.
I also want to remind you we will be taking pictures tomorrow and next Sunday from 9:30-10:15am in the Annex. These will be for our new, updated directory. Just wear whatever you typically wear to church on any other Sunday – informal and relaxed is fine.
Lastly, but very importantly, I invite you to mark your calendar for Sunday April 10th. Melana Scruggs, our General Presbyter will be sharing the process of finding a new pastor after I retire. You will especially want to be in church or on Zoom on that Sunday.
Grace and Peace, John
P.S. – Our church is NOT going to close or fall apart.