Notes and News – 04/03/21

Target Date to Return to in Person Worship: May 2, 2021

The question that has been on the hearts and minds of many in our congregation and community is when we return to worship in person. I believe I can speak for all of us when I say We are all eager to worship together again safely and joyfully.

The COVID-19 virus has had a painful impact on the life of our congregation. We understand that our virtual worship services only fill a portion of the worship void the COVID-19 situation has created. This past year of isolation has hurt everyone. As a church and as a society, we have been reminded again of the value and importance of human interaction and simple human touch.

The decision to return together to worship in person will be made with a commitment to the safety of our congregation and all who join us in worship. We are also committed to continuing our Zoom worship experience for those who cannot be with us in person. This outreach has been one of the blessings of this past year.

It appears with the growing list of people being fully vaccinated and the encouraging reports of the effectiveness of the various vaccines that our time apart is nearing its end. With this in mind we have set a TARGET DATE OF MAY 2, 2021 to resume in person worship.

In some ways the coming weeks will be the most challenging because the end of this ordeal is so close at hand. This is the time we must remain steadfastly committed to the values of safety and listening to the scientists and doctors for our guidance and not on our personal desires or what other churches may or may not be doing.

Our Thrift Store, which had been closed, is now open on a limited basis from 12noon to 3pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Temperatures are taken at the door, masks are mandatory, and social distancing is requested and expected.

Grace and Peace, John