Session Votes to Return to in-Person Worship: May 2, 2021
Our Session with unanimous consensus voted to return to in-person worship at 10:25am on Sunday May 2nd. This decision to return to in-person worship is coupled with a firm commitment to do it a manner that provides, as best as we possibly can, for the health and safety of every person joining us for worship. This means we will be listening to the doctors and scientists, including the CDC, for guidance throughout the remainder of this pandemic. It also means we support the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and people being vaccinated. With that in mind our Session has also adopted the following requirements for all who will be worshiping with us in person:
1. Prior to each Sunday worship celebration, the sanctuary entrance hand railings and door handles will be wiped done with disinfectant wipes.
2. The only usable entranced to the church will be the front sanctuary entrance.
3. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the sanctuary.
4. The appropriate wearing of a mask will be mandatory (until the CDC says otherwise)
5. Pews will be wiped down prior to the service just like the outside railings.
6. The pews will be marked to show what seating is available. Only designated pews will be used, and a person or a couple will “fill” the pew. This will allow for appropriate social distancing and safe singing and participating in worship.
7. Hand sanitizer will be available in every pew and by the front door.
8. Restrooms will be available with social distancing and hand washing expected.
9. Social distancing markings will be on the sanctuary entrance sidewalk and on the sanctuary carpet.
10. Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pews until it is once again safe to use them. You are encouraged to bring your own Bible to church.
11. We will use the sanctuary overhead projector and screen for our bulletin and hymns. This will give our in-home virtual worshipping family a better opportunity to follow along and participate.
12. Until it is safe, we will use a “wave” to greet one another in lieu of or customary time of greeting and welcome.
13. Offering plates will be available as you enter the sanctuary (or you may simply wish to mail in your offerings as you have been).
14. When we celebrate The Lords Supper (as we will on May 2nd) we will have self-contained, pre-sealed communion cups and wafers in the appropriately designated pews.
I realize this list may at first seem a bit overwhelming. It really is not. I wanted to spell out as much as I could to give you the most accurate picture possible. Next week I will address some of the situations and questions that may arise when we return to in-person worship. If you have any questions or thoughts - please feel free to send them to: or
Grace and Peace, John