Just 8 Days from Today We Return to In-Person Worship!!
After over a year we are on the verge of returning to worship in-person in our sanctuary at 10:25am. In some ways this time apart has seemed more like a decade than 14 months. In other ways this year has flown by. But I suspect I speak for all of us when I say it has been a trying, painful time that has reminded us just how important human connection and community is.
When we return it won’t be quite the same as before ,but it will be meaningful, safe, and important. Here is what our website says:
Be Our Guest on Sunday
Beginning Sunday, May 2nd, we return to our in-person worship celebrations in our sanctuary. These services will also be offered “live” on Zoom or can be viewed later on our YouTube channel.
Our Sunday morning worship celebrations are traditional and reflect the informal atmosphere of the mid-western, Tampa Bay area of Florida’s west coast.
As we return to in-person worship we will continue to follow the lead of doctors and scientists stressing safety, with the wearing of masks and social distancing being required. We are committed to doing all we can do to ensure to the best of our ability a safe experience for all. We are also committed to “returning to normal” when it is safe to do so.
The schedule for each Sunday’s worship celebration is:
10:05am EST – Sanctuary doors opened. will be activated. If you join at this time, you will be in our waiting room.
10:10am EST – “Live” Zoom service link activated and music begins to play, allowing you to "join audio" and adjust volume prior to the service beginning. Although your device microphone and camera will be turned off, this will not impact you hearing and viewing the service.
10:25am EST – Worship Celebration in Sanctuary and on Zoom begins.
There will be a Fellowship time on Zoom for all who would like to participate later on Sunday afternoon. This will begin at 1pm EST and typically last for 15 to 30 minutes.
I hope you and visitors to our website find this helpful. I look forward to being able to say, “See you in church”.
Grace and Peace, John
In Person Worship Will Continue to Be Shown on ZOOM
We will continue to record and show our worship services on Zoom with our in-person worship. The only difference is that all of the service will be recorded “live” instead our present method. Nothing else will change. We have been working to get all the necessary technology and equipment in place to do this. A major portion of the cost will be offset by a special Peace River Presbytery “Virtual Church Grant”. This outreach is one of the blessings of this past year.