Notes and News – 04/18/21

Questions You May Have Returning to in-Person Worship:

What it will be like when we return to in-person worship. I will address question that have been shared with me or that I think you may have. If you have any additional questions or thoughts - please feel free to send them to: or

1.      What time will our worship celebration start?

At 10:25am.

2.      Will there be the chance to see the service on Zoom?

Absolutely YES. You can follow the directions in the invitation which will be emailed out or go to our website ( to view it at another time.

3.      Can I invite friends?

YES. All will be welcome.

4.      What is being done to make it as safe as possible?

Masks are required, temperatures will be taken, only the sanctuary entrance will be open, the seating in the pews will reflect social distancing, all door knobs and pews will be wiped down prior to the Sunday service, bibles and hymnals have been removed from the pews.

5.      What about the air conditioning?

We are looking at ways to “clean” the air before it recirculates in the sanctuary and hope to have something in place by May 2nd.

6.      What about singing?

We will be singing with masks on.

7.      What if someone has a temperature of 100 or greater?

They will be lovingly and firmly invited to return on a Sunday when they no longer have a temperature.

8.      What if I forgot my face mask or it breaks?

We will have masks available for any who need them.

9.      What time can I arrive?

Sometime between 10:10 and 10:25 should work well for most people.

10.  What if someone refuses to wear a mask?

They will be lovingly but firmly invited to return on a Sunday when masks are no longer required. We will welcome them at that time.

11.  Will there be a Sunday morning Bible Study?

No. We will continue with the Wednesday afternoon Bible study instead.

12.  How will we greet one another?

With an intentional and planned wave.

13.  Will we have Communion?

Yes. Pre-packaged cups and wafers will be available in the pews. We will celebrate Communion on May 2nd.

14.  Will there be an offering?

No. Offering plates will be at the entrance or you can continue to mail in your offering.

15.  Will there be a bulletin?

We will use the projector and screen in the sanctuary. This will also allow our virtual congregation to follow along during the service as well as remove the safety risk of bulletins and paper.

16.  Will there be a fellowship time?

Yes. The actual time has not yet been determined. It will be on Zoom and an invitation will be sent. Probably the most likely times will be between 1 and 2 on Sunday afternoons. The likely duration will be between 20 and 30 minutes.

17.  What if I am not yet vaccinated?

We would hope as many people as possible will be vaccinated because those will be the people who are the safest. However, it IS NOT at this point, a requirement for worshipping in-person. We will continue to listen to the doctors and scientists about this.

Grace and Peace, John