Notes and News – 10/24/20

Before You Vote and When You Vote

The election process is already underway, and Election Day is just around the corner. I would like to encourage everyone who can to vote, whether by absentee ballot, early or on election day. I hope you will take the time to research the candidates and issues you’ll be voting on. Rather than letting political rhetoric the primary guide for your voting decision I invite you to let the candidates and issues which ones best represent your values as a follower of Christ be your north star. Political rhetoric seems to me to have one objective – to convince you and me that their side is right, and the other side is wrong. This applies whatever side you are on, Red or Blue. I would like something of more substance to base my decisions on. I am saying the process for deciding how we will vote is just as important as the act of who or what we are voting for. Too often, it seems to me, the political rhetoric seeks to make that decision for us.

In a democracy such as ours, I believe the act of voting is a sacred responsivity, an act of Christian discipleship. Of course, there are many very legitimate situations that can prevent a person from voting. However, apathy or lack of interest are not among them.

The simple truth is there never is a perfect candidate or totally obvious issue. God is neither a Republican nor a Democrat and neither political party perfectly reflects the Kingdom values Jesus preached about. Both sides get some things right and some things wrong. We, as people of faith are called to do our best to listen and discern the candidates strengths and weaknesses, their vision and values and then we vote.

Here are some scripture passages I would recommend reading and reflecting upon in your decision-making process. They are representative of the Kingdom values Jesus Christ preached and taught. I have chosen one or more passages from each of the Gospels. There are certainly many more that could be cited from not only the Gospels, but the remainder of the New Testament and Old Testament as well. Here are the representative passages I chose:

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)

False Prophets (Matthew 7:15-20)

The first sermon in Mark (Mark 1:14,15)

The Synagogue Sermon in Luke (4:16-20)

How to Treat Enemies (Luke 6:27-36)

Two Kinds of Fruit (Luke 6:43-45)

The Great Commandment (John 15:12-17)

When the election is over someone will win and someone will lose. This is the way a democracy works. Because of the extremely partisan nature of our political arena and the deep divisions within our country I am convinced it will also be critical and essential that we let Kingdom values such as these be the standard for how we treat one another and live together. When all is said and done and the drone of political rhetoric has been subdued, the only real winning outcome will be steeped in what I have called Kingdom values, which are values rooted in the grace and mercy of God.

Grace and Peace,, John

Your Gifts and Support Are So Important and Vital

The fact our church is not open on Sunday morning does NOT mean it is closed – far from it – many things are happening. The old saying, out of sight - out of mind applies to all of us and many times can serve us very well.  We have made it through the summer months and are heading into the time of the year when we have typically made up lost “financial ground”.  This year presents unique challenges with the extra income from the Thrift Store being lost because it is closed. Our expenses for the most part remain fixed with very little let up on utilities, like water and sewer which are beyond our control and we have been operating our electric needs in an efficient way through our programmable thermostats.  Some are voluntarily turning their salary checks back in.  Please hear this for what it is, a simple, straight forward way to let you know where we stand as we move into the fall of this year. Your support is so important. Just as you have come through in the past, I trust you will continue.