Shocked but Not Surprised!
I am guessing you, like me, woke up Friday morning to the news our President and First Lady both tested positive for COVID-19. I was shocked as I suspect you were. We join many others when we say our prayers are for a speedy recovery for both of them as well as all the others who have been diagnosed: well-known and unknown, neighbor and stranger, citizen and refugee, and friend and enemy. This vicious virus brings fear and heartache along with the myriad of physical issues and problems it creates. It can attack both the arrogant and the innocent. Our good friend Tony Last tested positive earlier this week over in England (Gail did not). Please keep both Tony and Gail in your prayers for strength, peace and God’s healing touch.
Back to our President and First Lady. I was shocked but not surprised. The shock was if the most protected person on the planet can get COVID-19, then virtually anyone can. The scientific truth is, this virus makes no distinctions what so ever, not caring if a person is democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, man or woman, young or old, white or black (or any other skin color),American or Iranian, Christian or atheist, or any of the other labels we use to point out the perceived differences between us. Forgive my crudeness, but all this virus cares about is its next “meal” in order to perpetuate itself.
I say shocked but not surprised because of the cavalier (polite language, grossly irresponsible – not so polite) attitude of so many of our “leaders” who for whatever reason (political, economic, religious, etc.) decided to ignore the advice and warnings of the experts, front-line doctors and medical professionals. Can you imagine someone living in any coastal community during WWII, refusing to turn out their lights at night during the blackout periods because it was inconvenient, or it interfered with their evening reading, or they didn’t want anyone to infringe on their freedom to do what they wanted to do! I suspect the response would have started with outrage and escalated from there.
The two most recommended things we can do (and the two most abused as well) are to wear a mask and to practice social distancing. I cringe when I hear a so-called person of faith say “I don’t need to wear a mask. God will protect me.” That is NOT a statement of faith at all. Quite the contrary it is a self-centered expression of prideful arrogance. What the person is really saying is, “I am going to do what I want to do and I expect God to honor my actions.” The overwhelming witness of the Bible is this is not something God does – God honors our actions when they reflect our obedience to God not visa-versa!
But perhaps, even more important, when I wear a mask and socially distance it gives me an opportunity to put into practice the Great Commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” I don’t wear a mask or practice social distancing to protect me from you. It’s just the opposite! It’s to protect you from me, in case I have this virus and don’t know it. We are at our best, when we are intentionally putting into practice the great commandment to love one another.
Grace and Peace, John