What if Both are God’s Gifts!
Here are 4 experiences I have had in my ministry or read about recently. I think they are related in an important way. The first was in a hospital waiting room with a family whose daughter had been in a terrible automobile accident. A doctor came into the room and told the family he’d seen many brain injuries like their daughter’s and there was no hope. (no bedside manor from this doctor!) The mother thanked him but told him after much prayer they were entrusting their daughter future to God. After 3 months and many prayers from all over the country their daughter came out of her coma and began a long road to recovery. Perhaps her biggest hurdle was overcoming the physical problems caused by the doctors’ order to stop physical therapy. A year later she enrolled as a freshman at a local university and went on to graduate.
The second experience was several years ago when a granddaughter asked me if I thought the biblical account of creation should be included as an alternative in the high school curriculum to the scientific theory of evolution. I told her no I did not, because I thought, based upon my study and experience as a pastor that the stories of Creation in Genesis 1 and 2 were never intended to be scientific and their message was far too important to be lost in the midst of the predictable controversy that would create far more heat than light.
The third is from a brief TV encounter between a mask-less man at a big indoor event and a reporter. The man said he didn’t need a mask because God would keep him safe from COVID-19. And the fourth is from a self-proclaimed “no-masker” pastor from Idaho who was infected with COVID-19, along with his wife. Her case was mild. He’s in ICU with significant difficulty breathing but hoping to be able to return home to recuperate if his breathing can improve.
What I think all of these have in common is our struggle with science and faith. The overly simplistic approach is to choose one and reject the other. But this doesn’t pass the test of life’s experiences. The doctor above was all science and no faith. The no mask, “God will protect me” is a pseudo faith and rejection of science. The words of faith may be used but really the assumption is God will do what I want done. The success of this kind of approach in the biblical witness as well as today is miniscule.
Science and Faith are meant to complement each other not compete. Science works with data that is observable, measurable, repeatable, quantifiable and ultimately predictable. Thank goodness for the discoveries of science! Faith focuses on the realm of the intangible, unmeasurable, mysterious, and surprising. Thank goodness for the times that stir our souls and help us see and experience the gift of life in its fullness! Science asks the question “why” to discover the cause. Faith asks the question “why” to discover meaning. I am convinced both science and faith are God’s gifts to be embraced and enjoyed!
Grace and Peace, John